Florists Choice: Baby Boy Hand Tied


For an impressive gift, this hand-tied bouquet of fresh flowers will look stunning in any room; and the shades of purple, cream and lemon are the ideal choice to celebrate a new baby boy. We've chosen fresh Lilies, Germini and Lisianthus and carefully hand-tied them to make this delightful display for his new home. Featuring lemon Germini, cream Asiatic Lilies and purple Lisianthus, hand-tied with Salal and Eucalyptus, wrapped and finished with a blue ribbon.

Baby Boy Hand Tied

Product id: 16

From:  £40.00

You Pay:  £





Card Text

All orders come with a small card with your message hand written but you can upgrade to a larger themed card, the cards vary from time to time so may be be that shown.

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Orders received after 12 noon cannot be guaranteed to be delivered on the same day.

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We only deliver to listed postcodes in the Greater Belfast area. Please enter a valid post code - if you want collection just add BT1234

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Gift ideas

Why not add to your gift of flowers with a box of chocolates, celebration balloon or even a teddy bear. Select from the dropdown lists above when ordering.

Celebration Balloon

###g box of Milk Chocolates
Furry Bear
Larger Themed Card