Order Reciept


Order no : 181221142207

Payment method : Stripe

Order Date : 18-12-2021

Invoice To : suzanne bradley

140 Huddersfield road, sue bradley - flowers , Mirfield,West Yorkshire, wf14 8an,United Kingdom
sue@suebradleyflowers.co.uk, 07974236774

Ship To : Louie Anderson

25 Jennings Drive, , Monkstown,Newton Abbey, BT37 0ND,United Kingdom

Message :

Product/Course Price/Cost Quantity Sub-Total
Florists Choice Hand Tied £35.00
Delivery date : 24-12-2021
Balloons : None
Cards : Plain Small
Chocolates : None
TeddyBear : No
Wishing you a merry Christmas - Lots of love from Jennifer, Tony and family
£ 35.00 1 £ 35.00
Total £ 35.00
Shipping £ 4.99 [United Kingdom]
Coupon £ 35.00 []
Total £ 4.99
Grand Total £ 39.99 (Paid via PayPal)

Thank you for shopping with Flowers by Reids
The Flowers by Reids