Order Reciept


Order no : 251024162348

Payment method : Stripe

Order Date : 25-10-2024

Invoice To : Michael Mervyn-Jones

5 Clarence Mews, Redmayne Drive , Chelmsford ,Essex, CM2 9AF ,United Kingdom
michaelmervynjones@icloud.com, 07702696306

Ship To : Cathy Booker

3 Manse Road , Glengormely , Newtonabbey ,, BT36 6RN ,United Kingdom
44 7540 428549

Message :

Product/Course Price/Cost Quantity Sub-Total
Florists Choice Hand Tied £80.00
Delivery date : 29-10-2024
Cards : Birthday
Chocolates : None
TeddyBear : No
To Cath, Happy Birthday Sis! Hope you have an amazing day and a brilliant year! Love you and see you soon! Michael, Tim & Coco xxx
£ 83.00 1 £ 83.00
Total £ 83.00
Shipping £ 4.99 [United Kingdom]
Coupon £ 83.00 []
Total £ 4.99
Grand Total £ 87.99 (Paid via PayPal)

Thank you for shopping with Flowers by Reids
The Flowers by Reids