Order Reciept


Order no : 4422130047

Payment method : Stripe

Order Date : 04-04-2022

Invoice To : Joanna McGoogan

7-8 Drumart Square, , Belfast,Antrim, BT8 7EY,United Kingdom
belvoircommunityhub@gmail.com, 02890491461

Ship To : Alexandra Godfrey

52 Killynether Walk, , Belfast,Antrim, BT8 7DB,United Kingdom

Message :

Product/Course Price/Cost Quantity Sub-Total
Baby Boy Vase
Delivery date : 05-04-2022
Cards : New Baby
Chocolates : None
Size : Standard
TeddyBear : Yes
To Alex and Family Congratulations on your new beautiful baby boy, hope mum and baby are doing well and hope to see you both very soon. Sending you lots of love James, Rebekah and the whole Belvoir Community Hub Committee xx
£ 30.00 1 £ 30.00
Total £ 30.00
Shipping £ 4.99 [United Kingdom]
Coupon £ 30.00 []
Total £ 4.99
Grand Total £ 34.99 (Paid via PayPal)

Thank you for shopping with Flowers by Reids
The Flowers by Reids